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Hong Kong & International Trains from China
The international trains refer to the cross-border trains from Beijing to Ulan Bator or Moscow, Beijing to Gia Lam (Hanoi), Beijing to Pyongyang and Guangzhou (Guangzhou East) to Hong Kong (Hung Hom). These trains are not daily operated. Plan your trip with timetable below.
China Rail do not allow online booking (e-ticket) for international trains. Tickets (paper ticket) can only be purchased at departure or arrival station. You can purchase on your own or through ETripChina to make advance booking.
International tickets are scheduled to release 15-30 days before departure. We suggest you plan and pay as early, then we can purchase when it is put on sale.
ETripChina will issue tickets at daytime hours after payment and deliver tickets to your hotel in China by the best express company. If less than 5 days, we can deliver to your hotel in person with some extra service fee.