Distance between Hong Kong and Guangzhou is approx. 120 kilometers and road journey is around 170 kilometers. Being two mega cities in southern China, Hong Kong and Guangzhou are well connected by rail, road, air and sea transport.
All types of Hong Kong to Guangzhou Transport
1. Flight: flight journey once was the fastest way to travel from Hong Kong to Guangzhou (before the construction of high-speed rail). And now there are few daily flights mainly serving the transit passengers. Price per way is approx. CNY 1300.
2. Train: There are over 40 pairs of trains running between Hong Kong and Guangzhou. The Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail makes the journey time at an average of 50 minutes(cost: 2nd class is CNY185, 1st class is CNY261) . You can take the train from the West Kowloon Station in Hong Kong(香港西九龙) to Guangzhou South Station(广州南站) in Guangzhou. You can easily check the timetable book tickets on our China Train page.
3. Bus: Frequently buses are available from Hong Kong to Guangzhou via Shenzhen Bay. The journey takes around 3-4 hours depending on the traffic. You can board the bus easily from various locations in Hong Kong including Tsim Sha Tsui, Mong Kok, and Causeway Bay. Price is around CNY100 per way.
4. Ferry: Ferry ride is round 2 hours with frequently departures from the Hong Kong China Ferry Terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui to Nansha Passenger Port in Guangzhou. Price is from CNY180 to CNY320.
5. Private Car: private car service from Hong Kong to Guangzhou is also popular with reasonable price. Road journey takes around 2-3 hours depending on the traffic. Price varies according to your location and travel time as there is a huge demand on public holidays.
The best way to travel from Hong Kong to Guangzhou
Based our experiences, train journey (West Kowloon Station to Guangzhou South Station) is the fastest, the most convenient and affordable way for independent travelers, especially starting your trip from center of Hong Kong. Check the schedule on our train page to start your planning.
For transit visitors, look for connecting flight, bus or private transfer from Hong Kong Airport to Guangzhou directly.
For business travelers, car service is always recommended with door to door pick up, no waiting time, and giving you quiet space on the way. Check out the service for Hong Kong to Guangzhou private transfer.
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